Mississippi Supreme Court Decisions of March 16, 2023

The Mississippi Supreme Court handed down six opinions today. Like the Court of Appeals on Tuesday, the Supreme Court’s decisions were all unanimous but appellants batted .500 at the Supreme Court. Today’s decisions include a med mal expert case, a board of aldermen case, a municipal boundaries case, an “intimately connected doctrine” premises case, an alienation of affection case, and a mortmain laws case.

UMMC v. Kelly, 2022-IA-00034-SCT (Civil – Medical Malpractice)
Reversing denial of summary judgment to UMMC, holding that the trial court abused its discretion in finding the plaintiff’s expert physician was qualified in the areas of treating impact injuries and infections where the parties agreed the doctor was a licensed ER doctor but the plaintiff did not produce a CV.

City of Canton, Mississippi Board of Aldermen v. Slaughter, 2021-CA-01210-SCT (Civil – State Boards and Agencies)
Affirming the circuit court’s reversal of Board of Aldermen’s decision to remove two members of the Canton Municipal Utilities Commission, holding that the commissioners were deprived of procedural due process when the mayor vetoed the issuance of notice and opportunity to be heard and that veto was not overridden by the BOA.

City of Jackson v. City of Pearl, 2021-AN-01422-SCT (Civil – Municipal Boundaries & Annexation)
Affirming the circuit court’s voidance of the City of Jackson’s ordinance that would incorporate land around JAN, holding that Jackson failed to obtain consent of the Rankin County Board of Supervisors before passing the ordinance.

White v. Targa Downstream, LLC, 2022-CA-00020-SCT (Civil – Personal Injury)
Reversing summary judgment for a premises owner, holding that the intimately connected doctrine does not give immunity to a premises owner when there is a fact issue regarding whether the premises owner created a dangerous condition and whether the independent contractor had actual or constructive notice of the condition.

NOTE – Here is the Court’s Conclusion:

Davis v. Davis, 2020-CA-01304-SCT (Civil – Torts-Other)
Reversing jury award in an alienation of affection case, holding that the claim was barred by the statute of limitations and the plaintiff failed to request proper jury instructions on damages.
(7-2-0: Chamberlin specially concurred joined by Griffis)

NOTE – Chamberlin’s special concurrence called for the abolition of the tort of alienation of affection.

Mississippi Baptist Foundation v. Fitch, 2022-CA-00065-SCT (Civil – Wills, Trusts & Estates)
Affirming the trial court’s grant of summary judgment to heirs, holding that MBF had a possessory interest over a mineral interest as trustee, that the trustor’s death triggered the 10-year portion of the mortmain laws, and MBF failed to protect its alleged rights during that period and could not assert the forty years later.

Other Orders

Gardner v. Jackson, 2020-CT-01313-SCT (cert denied)

McGillberry v. Ross, 2021-CT-01076-SCT (cert denied)

Hand Down List