Mississippi Supreme Court Decisions of October 6, 2022 (Rewind)

I did not post summaries from the first week of October because I was out of town with my family doing something much more fun that summarizing opinions. This is a catch-up post. There was not a whole lot from the Mississippi Supreme Court that week, unless you are a digital photographer in which case it appears to have been a good week for you.

Mississippi Department of Revenue v. EKB, Inc., 2021-SA-00441-SCT (Civil – State Boards and Agencies)
Affirming the chancery court’s order vacating the Mississippi Department of Revenue’s sales tax assessment against a wedding photography business, holding that photography is not a taxable business activity (unlike film development and photo finishing) and that still digital images are not taxable digital products.
(8-0: Justice Coleman did not participate.)

NOTE – I am neither a tax lawyer nor a photographer, but this seems like quite a win for digital photographers. Here are some particulars about the photography business at issue that gives context for the decision.

Other Orders

Johnson v. State, 2015-CT-01064-SCT (dismissing cert petition)

Wayne County Sch. Dist. v. Quitman Sch. Dist., 2020-CA-00499-SCT (denying rehearing)

Butler v. State, 2020-CT-00806-SCT (granting cert)

Haynes v. State, 2020-CT-01397-SCT (denying cert)

Fluker v. State, 2021-CT-00162-SCT (dismissing cert petition)

In Re: Hon. James McClure, III and Hon. Gerald W. Chatham, Sr.; 2022-IA-00319-SCT (denying petition for writ of prohibition)

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